

"Presbyters are not simply to reflect the will of the people, but rather to seek together to find and represent the will of Christ."

Book of Order F-3.0204


The Presbytery organizes its life and work through committees and councils. If you are interested in serving, or know of someone who would be, please just let us know by filling out our Nomination Form!


General Cabinet

Chair: Daniel Rivera

The General Council develops, updates and recommends mission and goals, evaluates goals, prepares the docket and plans for for the worship service of Presbytery, calls special meetings when directed, nominates persons to Committees on Personnel, Nominations and Representation; acts on behalf of Presbytery in certain disciplinary cases.


Congregational Ministry and Nurture

Chair: Shirlry Fleming

The Council for Congregational Ministry and Nurture provides programs and resources for the development and strengthening of the congregations of the Presbytery of New York City. In addition, through its Committee on Developing Congregations it supports the ministries of new immigrant fellowships.


Justice Ministries Committee

Chair: Jeffrey Courter

The Justice Ministries helps to facilitate congregations to become more active in their communities. Find a list of resources for working with immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.

Click here to contact Charmaine Massiah the Presbytery’s Justice Ministries Advocate

We regularly post upcoming events and activities on the Justice Ministries Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook.


Commission on Ministry

Co-chairs: Nicolie “Nickie” Christin and Genevieve White

The Commission on Ministry examines ministers seeking membership in Presbytery and recommends those who shall continue, gives oversight to churches without pastors, develops standards for ministers’ compensation, establishes interim and temporary pastoral relations. 


Commission on Preparation for Ministry

Co- chairs: Yaw Frimpong-Manso and Celia Shanchez

The Committee on Preparation for Ministry provides care and oversight for persons preparing for professional service in the church; to commission to service when appropriate.


Permanent Judicial Commission

Contact: Stated Clerk

The Permanent Judicial Commission serves in judicial matters in accordance with the Book of Discipline.


Committee on Preparation for Lay Ministry

Chair: Jill Schaeffer

The Mission of the Committee for the Preparation of Lay Ministry is to empower and equip the laity for ministries in the Presbytery of New York City.

Download the CPLM handbook and application form.


Personnel Committee

Chair: Eric Thomas

This committee counsels with the Executive Presbyter regarding work, evaluation, compensation for professional and support staff. Recommends terms of call and adjustments for exempt staff; establishes procedures for evaluation and review of staff.


Committee on Representation

Chair: TBD

The Committee on Representation ensures that every entity shall be representative of the whole presbytery; monitors nominations and the nominating process for inclusiveness; advocates for inclusive representation; and consults with the Nominations Committee.


Session Records Review Committee

Chair: Rhonda Sanchez

The Committee on Session Records Review examines session records, reports on compliance with the constitution, and may make recommendations to the Presbytery and/or its entities regarding their minutes.


Committee on Standing Rules and Overtures

Contact: Rosemary Napoli

The Committee on Standing Rules and Overtures formulates revisions to the Standing Rules and recommends additions and deletions to the Standing Rules.


Committee on Nominations

Co chairs: Renee Stout & Eric Toodles

The Committee on Nominations nominates persons to fill vacancies on continuing committees, councils and boards as well as nominates moderators, and presents nominations for minister and elder commissioner and youth delegates to the General Assembly and the Synod of the Northeast.

Interested in serving? Go to the top of this page and fill out the nomination form.


Commission for Mission, Finance & Corporate Responsibility/Board of Trustees

President: Keith Hutson & Nancy Sipp

The Board of Trustees oversees the Presbytery’s properties, insurance, investments, loans, mortgages; receives and reviews requests to sell, mortgage, lease or purchase property; provides cash flow management accounting systems, financial support services; provides for annual audit; and discharges legal corporate obligations as may be required under the laws for the State of New York.


Presbyterian Women

Moderator: Marlene McGee

Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Presbyterian Women (PW) commits themselves to

  • nurture their faith through prayer and Bible study

  • support the mission of the church worldwide,

  • work for justice and peace,

  • and build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witness to the promise of God’s kingdom.


Presbyterian Men

President: Gregory Reid

Presbyterian Men's mission is to lead men into a vital relationship with Christ, and to assist them in their spiritual, personal, and community development. The NYC Council of Presbyterian Men wants to create men who are excited and passionate about introducing other men to Christ. Every man who is a member of the Presbytery of the City of New York is automatically a member of Presbyterian Men.